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World in Progess: Fireland past and present

January 27, 2021

Egypt: Crushed hopes ten years after the uprising -- South Korea: Online delivery distress -- Tierra del Fuego: past and present at the southern end of the world


Egypt 10 years Uprising

This week marks the 10th anniversary of Egypt’s national uprising. On January 25, 2011, millions of Egyptians took to the streets to protest against the regime of then President Hosni Mubarak. They managed to topple the long-term autocrat. But instead of a democracy, Egyptians got a repressive police state – yet again 

Report: Jürgen Stryiak 
Presenter: Anne-Sophie Brändlin 

Online delivery distress 

While lockdowns continue in many countries to decrease the transmission of the Coronavirus, one industry that's profited are online sales companies. People are ordering everything from food to furniture. But those working for delivery companies often run the risk of catching the virus - and they're working much longer hours, often in bad conditions. Some have even died from being completely overworked, for example in South Korea. Kathrin Erdman has this report, and the presenter is Sarah Steffen. 

Report: Kathrin Erdmann
Presenter: Sarah Steffen  

Tierra del Fuego: Harsh lives and a global history 

Tierra del Fuego, or the Land of Fire, is on the southern tip of South America. The landscape with its fjords, glaciers and even rainforests is beautiful, but it can also be a pretty harsh place for the people living there. Europeans first set foot there 500 years ago when they were looking for a passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans around Cape Horn. It became the main trading route between the Indies and Europe for centuries. But most of the indigenous Yagán did not survive their encounter with the white intruders. By the early 20th century, they had almost been wiped out. Michael Marek traveled to Tierra del Fuego to find out about the past and present of this unique part of the world. 

Report: Michael Marek

Presenter: Natalie Muller 


Anke Rasper
Anke Rasper Anke is a senior editor with DW's environment team.