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A handout picture released by Pakistani military Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) on 08 May 2010 shows Pakistani developed nuclear capable, Medium Range Ballistic Missile Hatf IV (SHAHEEN 1) surface-surface ballistic missile taking off during a test-fire from an undisclosed location in Pakistan. Pakistan conducted on 08 May, successful training launches of a Short Range Ballistic Missile Hatf III (GHAZNAVI), and a Medium Range Ballistic Missile Hatf IV (SHAHEEN 1). The two launches were conducted at the conclusion of the annual field training exercises of Army Strategic Force Command, which were aimed at testing the operational readiness of Strategic Missile Groups equipped with Ghaznavi and Shaheen Missile Systems which can carry conventional and nuclear warheads to a range of 290 Km and 650 Km respectively. EPA/INTER SERVICES PUBLIC RELATIONS EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture alliance / dpa

