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Siert Bruins, a suspected Nazi war criminal, gestures before the start of his trial in the western German city of Hagen September 2, 2013. A 92-year-old who served in the Waffen-SS, Adolf Hitler's elite Nazi troops, went on trial on Monday on charges of having shot in the back and killed a Dutch resistance fighter at the end of World War Two. In an televised interview with broadcaster Das Erste, Bruins says he was present at the murder of Aldert Klaas Dijkema but says another soldier, now dead, shot him. The Hagen court already sentenced the Dutch-born accused, who acquired German citizenship while serving as a German security and border guard in the Netherlands during World War Two, to seven years in jail in 1980 for being accessory to the murder of two Jewish brothers in April 1945. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS CRIME LAW HEADSHOT)
圖片來源: Reuters

荷蘭海牙一家刑事陪審法庭啟動了一起納粹戰犯庭審程序,該案可能是最後一批納粹戰犯案件。庭審首日內容主要圍繞被告國籍。出生於荷蘭的布魯因斯(Siert Bruins/圖)供稱在1942年加入德國籍。對於所受指控,他拒絕做出回應。92歲的布魯因斯被控犯有謀殺罪。他涉嫌在1944年作為納粹邊境安全警察參與槍殺一名荷蘭抵抗力量成員。