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Chinese workers check and test solar panels at Fuguang photovoltaic power station in Hami city, northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 6 August 2012. China, the biggest supplier of solar power panels, quadrupled a domestic installation goal for solar energy projects to 21 gigawatts by 2015 to help absorb the excess supply of panels and support prices. The target includes 1 gigawatt of solar-thermal power plants, said Shi Lishan, deputy director of the administrations renewable energy division. China had planned 5 gigawatts of capacity in the five years through 2015 and 20 gigawatts by 2020.
China Solarbranche圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


歐盟委員會正式對中國的太陽能產業進行反傾銷調查。位於布魯塞爾的歐盟反不正當競爭機構將審查,來自亞洲的企業是否用傾銷價格損害市場競爭。歐盟委員會此舉的原因是歐洲太陽能企業之前對來自中國的企業提出反傾銷控訴。歐委會宣佈這一消息後,駐華歐洲企業表示擔心。歐盟在華商會主席卡希諾(Davide Cucino)表示,每當此時中國方面都會採取措施予以回敬。歐盟在華商會擁有約1700家會員企業。該商會主席卡希諾建議,中歐雙方企業應該展開富有建設性的談話。