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A Syrian man, left, signs ballot papers inside a voting booth at a polling station during a referendum on the new constitution in Damascus, Syria, Sunday Feb. 26, 2012. Syrians began voting Sunday on a new draft constitution aimed at quelling the country's uprising by ending the ruling Baath Party's five-decade domination of power, but the opposition announced a boycott and clashes were reported across the country. In regions like the restive central city of Homs, where shelling by government forces has left hundreds dead, or the northwestern province of Idlib and the southern region of Daraa where rebels clash frequently with the security forces, turnout is likely to be minimal. (AP Photo/Muzaffar Salman)
圖片來源: AP



敘利亞民眾可以在全國835個投票站對新憲法說"Yes"或"No"。新憲法中最重要的內容是取消執政黨阿拉伯復興社會黨擔任該國領導地位,允許其他黨派參與競爭。實際上,從1963年以來阿拉伯復興社會黨就一直是敘利亞執政黨。喬治‧雅布爾( George Jabbour)是大馬士革的一位教授,他曾是領導敘利亞30年之久的阿薩德父親的顧問。儘管反對阿薩德的抗議已持續了1年,但雅布爾認為公投幾乎不會有什麼問題。他說:


A Syrian woman casts her ballot paper at a polling station during a referendum on the new constitution, in Damascus, Syria, Sunday Feb. 26, 2012. Syrians began voting Sunday on a new draft constitution aimed at quelling the country's uprising by ending the ruling Baath Party's five-decade domination of power, but the opposition announced a boycott and clashes were reported across the country. In regions like the restive central city of Homs, where shelling by government forces has left hundreds dead, or the northwestern province of Idlib and the southern region of Daraa where rebels clash frequently with the security forces, turnout is likely to be minimal. (AP Photo/Muzaffar Salman)
投票現場圖片來源: AP


而大馬士革政治評論員塔貝特‧薩利姆(Thabet Salem)則表示,"如果人們可以自由投票,阿薩德將不會獲得多數票。我估計,最多30%到35%的人支持阿薩德。"

The picture of the Syria's President Bashar al-Assad is seen on central bank building in Damascus February 24, 2012. REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri (SYRIA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
大馬士革的阿薩德頭像圖片來源: Reuters

1年前反對派要求制訂新憲法。如今,持續一年的衝突已造成6000人身亡,反對派卻轉而抵制新憲法公投。他們現在要求的只有一件事--阿薩德及其政權下台。但敘利亞問題專家羅伯特‧菲斯克(Robert Fisk)警告說:


作者:Ulrich Leidholdt 編譯:嚴嚴