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Afghanistan Kabul Explosion 17.01.2014
Afghan police arrive at the site of an attack in Kabul June 10, 2013. Explosions were heard by Reuters witnesses and there were reports of gunfire near Afghanistan's main international airport in the capital, Kabul, early on Monday, and a police spokesman said insurgents had launched the attack. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
Afghan policemen take up position as smoke billows from the site of an explosion in Kabul May 24, 2013. Several large explosions rocked a busy area in the centre of the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Friday with Reuters witnesses describing shooting in the area. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST)
A damaged vehicle is parked at the site of an explosion in Kabul May 24, 2013. Several large explosions rocked a busy area in the centre of the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Friday with Reuters witnesses describing shooting in the area. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW)
Afghan policemen stand guard at the site of a suicide attack in Kabul May 16, 2013. A suicide bomber in a car targeted two vehicles carrying foreign forces in the Afghan capital Kabul on Thursday, police said, but it was not immediately clear if there were casualties. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST)
Source News Feed: EMEA Picture Service ,Germany Picture Service U.S. security personnel escorts a U.S. convoy to Kabul police headquarters in Kabul December 24, 2012. An Afghan policewoman shot dead on Monday a U.S. forces member in the chief of police's compound in Kabul, police and NATO said, another "insider attack" that is bound to raise troubling questions about the direction of an unpopular war. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CRIME LAW MILITARY POLITICS CONFLICT)
Joint Chefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington before the Senate Defense subcommittee hearing on the the Defense Department's fiscal 2013 budget. Aufstaendische haben waehrend des Besuchs von US-Generalstabschef Martin Dempsey einen Militaerstuetzpunkt in Afghanistan angegriffen und das Flugzeug Dempseys beschaedigt. Der hoechstrangige General der USA selbst sei zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs auf die Bagram Luftwaffenbasis ausserhalb von Kabul nicht in der Naehe seiner Maschine gewesen, sagte NATO-Sprecher Jamie Graybeal. Auch sonst habe es keine Verletzten gegeben. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Jacquelyn Martin/AP/dapd
An Afghan policeman takes position at the site of an attack in Kabul April 15, 2012. Attackers fired a rocket-propelled grenade into a house used by British diplomats in the city centre and smoke billowed from the building after the blast, a Reuters witness said. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
Stark gesichert ist am Mittwoch (03.06.2009) die Deutsche Botschaft in Kabul. Nach einen Bombenattentat im Januar wurde die Sicherung der Botschaft sehr verstärkt. Foto: Maurizio Gambarini dpa +++(c) dpa - Report+++
Soldiers of ANA based at Camp Stone dpa 13289942
ARCHIV: Soldaten der Bundeswehr gehen in Faisabad in Afghanistan bei der Landung eines Hubschraubers vom Typ CH-53 in einer Staubwolke (Foto vom 19.09.08). Aussenminister Guido Westerwelle denkt offenbar daran, die Bundeswehr schneller aus Afghanistan abzuziehen, wenn die Sicherheitskraefte frueher die Verantwortung fuer das eigene Land uebernehmen. "Deutschland verhaelt sich synchron mit den afghanischen und internationalen Partnern", sagte der FDP-Politiker nach Informationen der in Duesseldorf erscheinenden "Rheinischen Post" zu Vertrauten. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Michael Kappeler/dapd