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Presidential palace in Kabul on June 25, 2013. All the Taliban militants, who targeted the presidential palace and the CIA office in central Kabul, died in the attack, Afghan police said. Kabul police chief Mohammad Ayoub Salangi told reporters at the scene that all three or four militants had died. AFP PHOTO / SHAH Marai (Photo credit should read SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images)
Kabul Angriff Präsidenten-Palast Rauch圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images

塔利班和阿富汗安全力量在首都喀布爾的交火導致4名反對派武裝分子及3名特種兵喪生。阿富汗內政部周二(6月25日)公佈了這一消息。塔利班武裝分子之前對阿富汗總統府、國防部以及美國中央情報局駐阿總部發動的襲擊引發了一系列炸彈襲擊事件。警方公佈的消息顯示,安全力量用了大約兩小時才平息戰鬥。阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊在襲擊發生時身處總統府,另外多名進入總統府參加新聞發布會的記者被困其中。美國阿富汗問題特使多賓斯(James Dobbins)目前正在喀布爾尋找與塔利班展開談判的途徑。