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German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and French President Francois Hollande speak to reporters prior to their meeting at the Elysee Palace, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel says she hopes European leaders adopt a €130 billion ($162 billion) stimulus package this week, in a gesture to French President Francois Hollande despite their differences over how to end Europe's spiraling debt crisis. The two leaders went into talks Wednesday night sharply opposed over whether to share debt among the 17 nations that use the euro, and how much sovereignty to surrender over national budgets. (Foto:Michel Euler/AP/dapd)
Bildergalerie zum deutsch-französischen Verhältnis圖片來源: AP

德國與法國簽署友好協議50周年之際,德國總理梅克爾對兩國雙邊關係予以盛贊。她在每周一次的影片講話中說,50年前,時任法國總統戴高樂(de Gaulle)和德國總理艾德諾(Adenauer)以一部友好協議表現出了卓越的智慧和勇氣。兩位國家領導人創造的開端發展成為如今世界上最重要的國家間友誼之一。梅克爾周日將與法國總統奧朗德一道參加相關慶祝活動的開幕儀式。與此同時,奧朗德也對所謂巴黎-柏林軸心在歐洲內部變得過於強勢發出警告。他在日前接受媒體採訪時指出,兩國都不應該將自己視為某種管理中心,單獨為整個歐盟做出決策。