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Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi arrives to meet the media during a press conference, at the Vatican, Friday Feb. 15, 2013. Pope Benedict XVI has signed off on one of the last major appointments of his papacy, approving a German lawyer to head the Vatican's embattled bank. Ernst Von Freyberg has solid financial and Catholic credentials as a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, an ancient chivalrous order drawn from European nobility. The Vatican said Von Freyberg had been appointed by the bank's commission of cardinals and that the pope had "expressed his full consent." (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
Vatikan Sprecher Federico Lombardi圖片來源: picture alliance/AP Photo

選舉教皇本篤十六世退位後繼任者的秘密會議有可能在3月15日之前就召開,提前於原本宣佈的日期。梵蒂岡發言人隆巴迪(Federico Lombardi)在羅馬宣佈了以上消息。不過,目前還不能確定具體時間。通常情況下,在上一任教皇任期結束15天之後才能進行繼任者的選舉,因為各紅衣主教需要一些時間從各地趕到梵蒂岡。但是由於本篤十六世是提前宣佈退位,已經預留了准備工作所需的時間,所以選舉新教皇的會議可以提前召開。現任教皇將於2月28日正式退位。