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美國將邀請緬甸明年以觀察員身份,參加世界最大規模多國軍事演習—— 「金色眼鏡蛇」。這是美國與泰國等亞洲國家每年一度的聯合演習。

Thai soldiers carry national flags as they participate in the opening ceremony of the annual joint "Cobra Gold 2010" (CG10) military exercise at U-tapao airport in Rayong province in this February 1, 2010 file photo. The United States will invite Myanmar to the world's largest multinational military field exercise, a powerful symbolic gesture toward a military with a grim human rights record and a milestone in its rapprochement with the West. Myanmar will be allowed to observe Cobra Gold, which brings together more than 10,000 American and Thai military personnel and participants from other Asian countries for joint annual manoeuvres, officials from countries participating in the exercises told Reuters. To match Exclusive USA-MYANMAR/MILITARY REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom/Files (THAILAND - Tags: MILITARY POLITICS)
圖片來源: Reuters





Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and pro-democracy opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi have dinner at the US Chief of Mission Residence in Rangoon, Myanmar, Thursday, Dec. 1, 2011. (AP Photo/Saul Loeb, Pool)
克林頓去年底會晤翁山蘇姬圖片來源: dapd


本周,美國國務院首席人權代表波斯納(Michael Posner)訪問緬甸首都內比都。美國國防部和軍方官員也隨同訪問。緬甸方面派出國防部副部長昂塔(Aung Thaw)參加會晤。緬官方媒體報導稱,雙方就未來對話與合作交換意見。但美方沒有就此發表評論。



從1948年緬甸脫離英國獨立,到1962年將軍奈溫(Ne Win)發動軍事政變,此間超過1200名緬甸軍官在美國受訓。奈溫軍事政變後,緬甸陷入近半個世紀的隔離和軍政府統治,但美國仍與該國保持軍事聯繫,作為對抗鄰國中國共產主義傳播的據點。


File - In this file photo released by Myanmar News Agency (MNA) on Thursday, March 31, 2011, Myanmar President Thein Sein delivers speech at the presidential house in Naypyitaw, Myanmar. Myanmar's president announced a major Cabinet reshuffle on Monday Aug. 27 2012, a move analysts see as advancing the once-pariah nation's reformist agenda. The shake-up is the biggest since President Thein Sein's government took office from the former military junta in March 2011 and launched a wave of dramatic reforms that have surprised the world and prompted Western powers to ease crippling sanctions. The announcement made late Monday on the president's official website said the overhaul affects nine of several dozen Cabinet posts. Some 15 new deputy ministers are also being appointed. (Foto: (AP Photo / MNA, File/AP/dapd)
緬甸總統吳登盛圖片來源: dapd


去年11月,美國國務卿克林頓對內比都進行歷史性訪問。克林頓表示,與總統吳登盛(Thein Sein)談及尋找二戰期間在緬陣亡美軍士兵遺骨事宜。克林頓稱,這曾幫助美國修復與越南的關係。

二戰期間, 在從印度飛往中國途中,由於天氣惡劣和日軍火力,600架美戰機在緬甸失事,近1000名美軍失蹤。至今仍有730名美軍士兵"下落不明"。

英國與緬甸軍方也重新開始接觸。英國軍方最重要的人物之一、退休將軍傑克遜爵士(Sir Mike Jackson)於9月21日在內比都與緬甸國防軍副統帥梭溫(Soe Win)上將會晤。緬官方通訊社報導,雙方"坦誠討論推動兩國軍事關係"的議題。

來源:路透社 編譯:苗子
