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中國工程院院士鐘南山 接受德國之聲採訪,他透露中國過去10年間肺癌及呼吸系統疾病高發,空氣污染為重要原因,他直指大氣污染讓人無處可逃,比2003年發生在中國的非典還可怕。

A guard stands in front of the Tiananmen during severe smog in Beijing, China, 12 January 2013. Beijing was hit by its worst smog in almost a year. Exacerbated by heavy fog, the dense, choking smog that had blanketed the capital for the better part of the past fortnight plunged to a new low yesterday morning. Although the capital is often hit by smog in winter, the past two weeks have seen one of the longest stretches of smoggy days in Beijing in years. Pollution readings, including those for the smog-inducing fine particles known as PM2.5, from the local environmental watchdog and the US embassy were well in severely polluted or hazardous levels for most of Thursday night and Friday morning.
Luftverschmutzung in Peking China圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa




The China Central Television (CCTV) building is seen next to a construction site in heavy haze in Beijing's central business district, January 14, 2013. In an unusual display of unity in criticising a troubling domestic social problem, Chinese media are giving prominent coverage to the historically high level of air pollution that has choked wide swaths of the country for the past few days. Air quality in Beijing was far above hazardous levels over the weekend, reaching 755 or higher, according to an index known as PM2.5. The World Health Organisation recommends a daily level of no more than 20 for PM2.5, which measures particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA - Tags: ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS MEDIA)
霧霾中的央視大樓圖片來源: Reuters

[No title]




A man wears a mask to protect himself against the SARS virus, in front of a SARS billboard in Beijing Monday May 5, 2003. The billboard reads: "The SARS virus will be surely be conquered by our government under the leadership of the Communist Party of China." China's government was criticized by the World Health Organization for initially covering up the SARS crisis and failing to take effective action to prevent it from worsening. (AP Photo/Greg Baker)
2003年中國爆發非典圖片來源: AP




(l-r) Zhong Nanshan, ein Epidemiologe aus der Provinz Guangdong, Wang Guoqing vom Staatsrat, Ma Xiaowei, stellvertretender Gesundheitsminister und Qi Xiaoqiu vom Gesundheitsministerium äußern sich am 10.4.2003 in Peking zur Informationspolitik über die Lungenerkrankung SARS. Die chinesische Regierung hat Vorwürfe zurückgewiesen, sie vertusche das tatsächliche Ausmaß der Lungenerkrankung SARS. Im gesamten Land seien den Behörden 55 Todesfälle und 1290 vermutete oder bestätigte Fälle des Schweren Akuten Atemwegssyndroms bekannt, sagte Ma Xiaowei. In Peking gebe es 4 SARS-Tote und 22 Erkrankungen. Ein chinesischer Arzt hatte dagegen dem US-Magazin "Time" versichert, alleine in seinem Militärkrankenhaus Nr. 309 in der Hauptstadt seien 60 SARS-Patienten behandelt worden, in drei weiteren Militärhospitälern mindestens 86. In Peking seien mindestens 10 Menschen an SARS gestorben, sagte Jiang Yanyong der dpa. 4241968 10.04.2003
2003年,鐘南山(左一)在政府新聞發布會上圖片來源: picture-alliance / dpa


1月21日香港《南華早報》採訪現年83歲的中國首任國家環保局局長、現任中華環境保護基金會理事長的曲格平。這位前中共體制內高官感嘆中國在三四十年前本有機會避免現今的環境災害,但中國不計代價的經濟發展政策導致欠下了巨大的環境債務。新加坡《聯合早報》2月1日報導認為灰霾天氣所引發的眾怒給中共新一代領導人習近平、李克強敲響了警鐘。近日即將卸任的總理溫家寶和候任總理李克強先後針對霧霾天氣發聲,表示要採取有效措施, 北京市1月29日啟動污染防控應急措施,要求103家重點排污企業停產、工地停工,燃煤電廠等降低污染排放、黨政機關公車停駛30%。

