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MEGIDO, ISRAEL: Palestinian prisoners convicted of security offenses against Israel walk in Megido prison in northern Israel 14 February 2005. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon acknowledged the 'supreme importance' for the Palestinians that long-term prisoners who have carried out deadly attacks be released. Israel has agreed to release around 900 Palestinian prisoners from its jails as part of a package of goodwill measures towards new Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas.
Megedo-Gefängnis Israel图像来源: Getty Images

在巴以双方原则上同意重启中东和平谈判之后,以色列方面宣布将释放一批巴勒斯坦囚犯。以色列情报与战略事务部长斯坦尼茨(Yuval Steinitz)在接受广播电台采访时宣布了上述信息,但没有透露具体释放人数。不过他也表示,将有一些被关押数十年的囚犯得到释放。在美国国务卿克里在约旦宣布中东和谈有望重启之后,以方的这一表态被认为是做出善意的姿态。此前数月,克里一直致力于推动中东和平进程。他表示,以色列司法部长利夫尼(Tzipi Livni)和巴勒斯坦首席谈判代表埃雷卡特(Saeb Erekat)之间的首轮会面甚至有望在未来数日内在华盛顿举行。