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A display fronts the offices of the Guardian and its sister paper, The Observer, on Monday night, Aug. 19, 2013. The Guardian's editor, Alan Rusbridger, said Monday that British agents oversaw the destruction of an unspecified number of his newspaper's hard drives in an apparent bid to keep the fruit of Edward Snowden's leaks safe from Chinese spies. (AP Photo/Raphael Satter)
图像来源: picture-alliance/AP


曾刊登前美国情报机构雇员斯诺登所提供秘密文件的英国《卫报》称,该报受到政府方面的巨大压力。《卫报》主编拉斯布里杰(Alan Rusbridger)当地时间周一(8月19日)晚间在该报发表一篇文章透露,当局要求销毁或交出斯诺登所提供的所有材料,并威胁对该报提出司法起诉。拉斯布里杰指出,这是《卫报》长期办报史上所曾经历过的“最荒诞的时刻之一”。他透露,政府方面首次提出相关要求是在约2个多月前,以后又提出多次。