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Mourners stand around the bodies of the victims of Monday's shooting in Toulouse during their joint funeral service in Jerusalem March 21, 2012. A gunman, suspected of killing three children and a rabbi at a Jewish school in the name of al Qaeda, said on Wednesday he would hand himself over to police after an hours-long siege in which he wounded three officers. REUTERS/Baz Ratner (JERUSALEM - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
4名遇难师生在耶路撒冷的葬礼图像来源: REUTERS


法国警方的一支精锐部队在该国南部图卢兹市包围了犹太人连环枪击案犯罪嫌疑人躲藏的一所房子。这名24岁的嫌疑人自称是"基地"恐怖组织成员。据法国内政部部长盖昂( Guéant)透露,该疑犯是法国公民,曾在阿富汗和巴基斯坦逗留过一段时间。目前,警方正在说服疑犯缴械投降,放弃抵抗。犯罪嫌疑人所在的建筑物,距三名学生和一名教师被枪杀的犹太学校仅几公里之遥。这名男子也涉嫌在几天前杀害了3名北非裔法国士兵。犹太学校枪杀案的4名受害者遗体已被运送到以色列,大约1000人参加了在耶路撒冷举行的葬礼,其中包括法国外长朱佩。