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Members of the opposition Young Front march to commemorate Chernobyl nuclear disaster victims in Minsk, Thursday, April 26, 2007. The banner reads: ''Chernobyl's Way,'' indicating the name of the annual march. About 5,000 people gathered Thursday in the capital of Belarus, where large swathes of territory were irradiated by 1986 the Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion, then marched through the city to mark the anniversary. Demonstrators demanded greater financial support for victims of the disaster as well democratic reforms from the Belarusian government. (ddp images/AP Photo/Sergei Grits)
图像来源: AP


俄罗斯承建白俄罗斯首座核电站。白俄罗斯总理米亚斯尼科维奇(Michail Mjasnikowitsch)和俄罗斯总理梅德韦杰夫周四(7月19日)签署了一份总额100亿美元的项目合同。国有的俄罗斯核电出口公司负责该项目的实施,莫斯科向明斯克提供项目贷款。该项目在白俄罗斯民众中引发忧虑。1986年的切尔诺贝利核事故曾使白俄罗斯遭受重创。邻国立陶宛也对白俄罗斯建造首座核电站计划表示反对。该核电站计划于2020年竣工。