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A man waits his turn as women chat in front of the ATM of a bank in the Cypriot capital Nicosia on March 19, 2013. Cyprus was revisiting a bailout package hours before a parliamentary vote on the deal after the eurozone urged a rethink on a controversial levy on bank deposits that sparked outrage at home and roiled global markets. AFP PHOTO/YIANNIS KOURTOGLOU (Photo credit should read Yiannis Kourtoglou/AFP/Getty Images)
Zypern Bank Finanzkrise图像来源: Yiannis Kourtoglou/AFP/Getty Images

本周四(3月28日),深陷欧元危机的塞浦路斯即将重新恢复银行营业。为了防止该国政府与国际出资方就援助方案展开谈判期间出现大规模挤兑现象,塞浦路斯所有银行机构从本月16日开始就停止了对外服务。该国政府决定,恢复银行营业后将继续严格限制资金流动。为了防止大量资金外逃, 监管部门决定个人储户每天仍将只能最多提取100欧元的现金。欧元区国家财长本周伊始达成协议,向塞浦路斯提供价值100亿欧元的援助资金。而为此塞方必须整顿该国膨胀浮肿的银行业。这个地中海岛国上最大的银行--塞浦路斯银行计划向10万欧元以上的储金一次性征收最高40%的特别税。