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German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) and Education Minister Annette Schavan leave after a statement to the media in Berlin February 9, 2013. Germany's education minister resigned on Saturday after being stripped of her doctorate over plagiarism charges, an embarrassment for her close confidante Chancellor Angela Merkel who is campaigning to win a third term in office this year. REUTERS/Tobias Schwarz (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS)
Merkel und Annette Schavan Rücktritt Plagiatsaffäre图像来源: REUTERS

德国联邦教育部长沙万(Annette Schavan)辞职。周六,总理默克尔在柏林与沙万本人会谈之后宣布了上述决定。与此同时,默克尔还宣布,现任下萨克森州科学部长的万卡(Johanna Wanka)将接替他担任这一职务。周四,杜塞尔多夫大学宣布沙万因在撰写博士论文中有“蓄意抄袭”行为,而剥夺其博士学位头衔。沙万对此表示不服,将采取法律手段上诉。据德新社报道,在与总理默克尔谈话之后沙万再次强调,自己既没有抄袭也没有欺瞒。“这些指责对我造成了深深的伤害。”她希望通过自己辞职来避免教育部长的职位和整个联邦政府受到不良影响。