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This publicity image released by NBC shows Lon Snowden, father of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden on the "Today," show in New York on Friday, July 26, 2013. Snowden said there's been a concerted effort by some members of Congress to "demonize" his son. He says lawmakers should be more focused on whether the NSA's collection of the phone records of millions of Americans is constitutional. The House voted 217-205 Wednesday to spare the NSA surveillance program. (AP Photo/NBC, Peter Kramer)
罗恩·斯诺登接受NBC采访(2013年7月31日)图像来源: picture alliance/AP Photo


美国前情报人员斯诺登的父亲宣布,他将同其律师一道前往莫斯科,为其子可能在美国开启法律程序进行筹备。罗恩·斯诺登(Lon Snowden)同律师布鲁斯·菲因(Bruce Fein)周日在ABC一次访谈节目表示,他们行程的准确时间已经敲定。他们说,将访问小斯诺登,如果他愿意离开莫斯科,还将向他推荐刑法律师。菲因说,他们的莫斯科之行将很快启动,但他没有宣布启程时间。他们都说,如果斯诺登返回美国,希望他能够得到公平审判。上周,俄罗斯向斯诺登提供了暂时政治庇护,此前他在该国一机场的国际中转区滞留了5周多。期间,美国一直要求俄罗斯引渡斯诺登并希望能将其交付司法。