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North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan, stands near two portraits of North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, right and his late father, Kim Il Sung, left before a press conference held at the North Korean embassy in Beijing, China, Saturday, Feb 28, 2004. The six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear program ended Saturday with no word of progress toward a settlement and a warning by China's foreign minister that "serious differences" remain even as the governments promised to try again. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
图像来源: AP


朝鲜第一副外相、核问题特使金桂冠(Kim Kye Gwan)周二(2月21日)抵达北京,准备同美方代表举行金正日去世以来的首次直接会谈,会谈定于本周四举行。美方代表是朝鲜事务特使戴维斯(Glyn Davis)。据信,此次会谈旨在探讨在朝鲜中止铀浓缩的前提下恢复向该国提供食品援助的可能性。