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French President and UMP party candidate for the elections Nicolas Sarkozy, right, pauses as he speaks to journalists gathered outside his campaign headquarters the morning after the first round of voting in Paris, Monday, April 23, 2012. French Socialist Francois Hollande has taken his plodding, undynamic campaign to become France's next president to within spitting distance of victory over the "hyper-president" Nicolas Sarkozy, finishing first in Sunday's initial round of voting. (Foto:Laurent Cipriani/AP/dapd)
图像来源: dapd


德国国际通讯社报道,法国总统萨科齐在周日总统大选举行的首轮投票遭挫败后,对欧盟政界提出严厉批评。他在谈到该国极右翼政党国民阵线在第一轮投票中获得的意外成功时说,“整个欧洲的政治阶层,乃至全世界必须了解选举传递出的信息。”“欧洲必须捍卫其价值和立场。如果欧洲不能参与,那么法国将独自来做这些事情。”根据周一(4月23日)公布的官方正式计票结果,社会党人奥朗德获得28.63%的选票;竞选连任的现总统萨科齐的得票率为27.18%。极右翼政党国民阵线主席让-马丽·勒庞(Jean-Marie Le Pen)获得17.9%的选票,位居第三。