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epa03648441 Afghan security officials stand guard on a road as security has been intensified following the militants attacks at a provincial court and a bank building, in Herat, Afghanistan, 03 April 2013. Insurgents attacked a provincial court and a bank in western Afghanistan on 03 April, sparking an hour-long gun battle with security forces, an official said. A group of Taliban suicide bombers occupied buildings of a court and Kabul Bank in Farah city. EPA/JALIL REZAYEE +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
阿富汗塔利班袭击法院图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

阿富汗塔利班袭击法拉赫市 包括法院在内的一些建筑物, 导致50多人死亡。据该国内务部公布的消息,在阿富汗西部的攻击行动中,约有70人受伤。地方当局的代表说,武装分子向建筑物发起攻击时与安全部队交火。期间一枚炸弹被引爆。据称,激进伊斯兰组织塔利班发起此次攻击行动的目的,是为了解救被关押的该组织成员。