
理论与方法专栏 | 句法的生物基础与起源


《理论语言学五道口站》(2024年第10期,总第309期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐由美国夏威夷大学荣誉退休语言学教授Derek Bickerton和匈牙利理论进化生物学家Eörs Szathmáry编撰的论文集:Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax(《句法的生物基础与起源》)。该书已于2023年9月在MIT Press出版。


Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax



Interdisciplinary perspectives on the evolutionary and biological roots of syntax, describing current research on syntax in fields ranging from linguistics to neurology. Syntax is arguably the most human-specific aspect of language. Despite the proto-linguistic capacities of some animals, syntax appears to be the last major evolutionary transition in humans that has some genetic basis. Yet what are the elements to a scenario that can explain such a transition? In this book, experts from linguistics, neurology and neurobiology, cognitive psychology, ecology and evolutionary biology, and computer modeling address this question. Unlike most previous work on the evolution of language, Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax follows through on a growing consensus among researchers that language can be profitably separated into a number of related and interacting but largely autonomous functions, each of which may have a distinguishable evolutionary history and neurological base. The contributors argue that syntax is such a function. The book describes the current state of research on syntax in different fields, with special emphasis on areas in which the findings of particular disciplines might shed light on problems faced by other disciplines. It defines areas where consensus has been established with regard to the nature, infrastructure, and evolution of the syntax of natural languages; summarizes and evaluates contrasting approaches in areas that remain controversial; and suggests lines for future research to resolve at least some of these disputed issues.




-Derek Bickerton-

Derek Bickerton,美国夏威夷大学荣誉退休语言学教授,研究兴趣为克里奥尔语和皮钦语,著有Roots of Language(《语言的起源》,于1985年在Karoma Publishers出版)、Language and Species(《语言与物种》,于1992年在University of Chicago Press出版)、Language and Human Behavior (《语言与人类行为》,于1996年在University of Washington Press出版)。

Derek Bickerton was Professor of Linguistics, Emeritus, at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu. He used to concentrate on the study of creole languages and pidgins, and he was the author of Roots of Language (Karoma Publishers, 1985) , Language and Species (University Of Chicago Press, 1992) and Language and Human Behavior (University of Washington Press, 1996). 

-Eörs Szathmáry-

Eörs Szathmáry,匈牙利理论进化生物学家,德国慕尼黑Parmenides基金会科学概念基础中心(the Parmenides Center for the Conceptual Foundations of Science)负责人,研究课题包括进化大事件、生命起源和遗传密码、人类语言官能的出现及生物结构层次的出现等。同时,他曾与John Maynard Smith合著The Major Transitions in Evolution (《进化大事件》,于1995年在Freeman出版)和The Origins of Life (《生命的起源》,于1999年在Oxford University Press出版)。

Eörs Szathmáry is a Hungarian theoretical evolutionary biologist and the director of the Parmenides Center for the Conceptual Foundations of Science at the Parmenides Foundation in Munich, Germany. His research topics include: the major evolutionary transitions, origins of life and the genetic code, emergence of the human language faculty, levels and so on. And He is the co-author with John Maynard Smith of The Major Transitions in Evolution (Freeman, 1995) and The Origins of Life (Oxford University Press, 1999).


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理论与方法专栏 | 极性敏感表达——日语与其他语言的比较研究


编辑:黄静雯 董泽扬


审校:时仲 吴伟韬 董泽扬

英文编审负责人:黄静雯 董泽扬


