


《理论语言学五道口站》(2024年第29期,总第328期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐由英国阿尔斯特大学传播与媒体学院高级讲师Christina Sevdali、希腊雅典学院现代希腊方言研究中心研究员Dionysios Mertyris以及希腊克里特大学文献学系教授Elena Anagnostopoulou编撰的论文集The Place of Case in Grammar(《语法中格的位置》)。该书已于2024年6月在Oxford University Press出版。


The Place of Case in Grammar



The Place of Case in Grammar offers a detailed investigation of the proposed division between syntactic Case and morphological case, explores a variety of key topics in the field, from differential object marking to three-place predicates and draws on data from a wide range of typologically diverse languages. This book deals with the category of case and where to place it in grammar. The crux of the debate lies in how the morphological expression of grammatical function should relate to formal syntax. In the generative tradition, this issue was addressed by the influential proposal that abstract syntactic Case should be dissociated from the morphological expression of case. The chapters in this book deal with a number of key issues in the ongoing debates that have emerged from this proposal. The first part discusses the modes that we need for structural case assignment, and how Case would relate to a theory of parameters. In the second part, contributors explore the division of labour between structural and inherent case, synchronically and diachronically, while the third part investigates individual cases (such as nominatives, genitives, datives and partitives) and how they can illuminate case theory. The chapters discuss a wide range of phenomena, including differential object marking (DOM), global case splits, prepositional genitives and other prepositional phrases, nominative infinitival subjects, nominalizations of deponent verbs, and three-place predicates. They also draw on data from a variety of languages and language families, such as Hindi, Lithuanian, Kashmiri, Kinande, Greek, Hiberno-English, Romance, and Sahapatin.


该书详细探讨了对句法格(syntactic Case)和形态格(morphological case)的划分,并且借助多种类型语言的数据分析了该领域中许多核心议题,例如宾语异相标记(differential object marking,简称DOM)三价谓语等。该书还讨论了格的类别及其在语法中的位置。对于这一问题,学界争论的核心在于语法功能的形态表达与形式句法的关系。生成语法传统的解决方式曾占据学界主流,即:抽象的句法格和格的形态表达应当区分开来。这一提议引发了广泛的讨论,该书则探究了其中的关键问题。第一部分分析了赋结构格所需的模式以及格与参数理论的关联。第二部分从共时和历时的角度讨论了结构格与固有格的分工,而第三部分分析了多种语言的不同格类型(例如主格、所有格、与格和部分格),进一步阐明了格理论。该书的各个章节涵盖了繁多的语言现象,包括宾语异相标记(DOM)、全局格分裂(global case splits)、介词属格和其他介词短语、主格不定式主语、异态动词的名词化以及三价谓语等。书中的分析参考了多种语言及语系的语料,例如印地语、立陶宛语、克什米尔语、南德语、希腊语、爱尔兰英语、罗曼语族和萨哈泼丁语等。


- Christina Sevdali -

Christina Sevdali,英国阿尔斯特大学传播与媒体学院高级讲师,主要研究古代希腊语的句法及其历时演变,尤其关注动词不定式的消失和希腊语格系统的变化

Christina Sevdali is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Communication and Media at Ulster University. She works on the syntax of Ancient Greek as well as the diachrony of Greek, in particular the loss of infinitives and changes in the Greek case system

- Dionysios Mertyris -

Dionysios Mertyris,希腊雅典学院现代希腊方言研究中心研究员,专门从事历史语言学、方言学和希腊语言的历时研究

Dionysios Mertyris is a Researcher at the Research Centre for Modern Greek Dialects (Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek), Academy of Athens. He specializes in historical linguistics, dialectology, and the diachrony of the Greek language

- Elena Anagnostopoulou -

Elena Anagnostopoulou,希腊克里特大学理论语言学教授,其研究兴趣包括理论和比较句法、形式语言类型学、形态学和历史形态句法,尤其关注句法、形态和词库的接口、论元交替(argument alternations)、格、一致性、人称、性、黏着语素(clitics)、控制和回指的研究

Elena Anagnostopoulou is Professor of Theoretical Linguistics at the University of Crete. Her research interests lie in theoretical and comparative syntax, formal linguistic typology, morphology, and historical morphosyntax, focusing on the interfaces between syntax, morphology, and the lexicon, argument alternations, Case, Agreement, person, gender, clitics, control, and anaphora.


人物专访 | Heidi Harley博士专访(下)


Noam Chomsky | Language, Mind and Consciousness

人物专栏 | Heidi Harley博士访谈(上)

转发分享 | 蔡维天:语言学与人工智能


编辑:黄静雯 董泽扬


审校:时仲 吴伟韬 董泽扬

英文编审负责人:黄静雯 董泽扬


