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A businessman looks on as he stands under the Arche de la Defense, in the financial district west of Paris, November 20, 2012. France said its economy was sound and reforms were on track after credit ratings agency Moody's stripped it of the prized triple-A badge due to an uncertain fiscal and economic outlook. Monday's downgrade, which follows a cut by Standard & Poor's in January, was expected but is a blow to Socialist President Francois Hollande as he tries to fix France's finances and revive the euro zone's second largest economy. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann (FRANCE - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
French President Francois Hollande speaks during a news conference in Algiers December 19, 2012, as part of the first day of his state visit to Algeria. President Francois Hollande travelled to Algeria on Wednesday to try to heal wounds left by a bloody war of independence half a century ago and to seek greater access to the former colony's oil wealth in an attempt to lift France's own flagging economy. REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer (ALGERIA - Tags: POLITICS)
ARCHIV: Die Konzernzentrale von Standard and Poors in New York (USA) (Foto vom 09.10.11). Die Ratingagentur Standard and Poor's will die Kreditwuerdigkeit von Deutschland und Frankreich sowie von 13 weiteren europaeischen Staaten ueberpruefen. Das teilte die Agentur am Montagabend (05.12.11) nach Boersenschluss in New York mit. Im Falle einer Neubewertung koennte den betroffenen Laendern damit eine Herabstufung drohen. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Henny Ray Abrams/AP/dapd
French soldiers check and make a list of materiel as part of the withdrawal of the French troops at Warehouse French base in Kabul November 19, 2012. French combat troops are due to pull out of Afghanistan by the end of the year. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: MILITARY CIVIL UNREST CONFLICT)
French President Francois Hollande (L) gives a press conference with Syrian opposition chief Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib after a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris, on November 17, 2012. AFP PHOTO/KENZO TRIBOUILLARD (Photo credit should read KENZO TRIBOUILLARD/AFP/Getty Images)
Mit einem symbolischen Sarg, dessen Nägel von einem Hammer mit China-Flagge eingeschlagen werden, protestieren Demonstranten am Sonntag (22.04.2012) vor dem Hannover Congress Centrum anlässlich der Eröffnung der Hannover Messe für ein von China unabhängiges Tibet. Etwa 5000 Unternehmen aus 69 Ländern beteiligen sich an der weltgrößten Industrieschau Hannover Messe vom 23. bis zum 27. April. China ist das diesjährige Partnerland. Chinas Premier kam zur Eröffnung der Messe am Sonntag. Foto: Christinan Charisius dpa/lni +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) and French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault address a press conference at the chanellery in Berlin on November 15, 2012. Ayrault is on his first official trip to Germany, seeking to smooth tensions over economic policy between the two neighbours which have historically driven Europe forward. AFP PHOTO / ODD ANDERSEN (Photo credit should read ODD ANDERSEN/AFP/Getty Images)
ARCHIV - SOS-Zeichen an einer Notrufsäule umrahmen am 21.12.2011 das Euro-Zeichen vor der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) in Frankfurt am Main. Spanien rutscht immer tiefer in die Krise. Für einen neuen Tiefschlag sorgte am Donnerstagabend die Ratingagentur Fitch. Sie senkte die Kreditwürdigkeit des Landes um drei Stufen herab. Spanien ist von einer massiven Bankenkrise gebeutelt, steckt in einer schweren Rezession und kämpft mit einem zu hohen Staatsdefizit. Foto: Boris Roessler dpa (zu dpa «Spanien rutscht immer tiefer in die Krise» vom 08.06.2012) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Ein US-Kampfjet von Typ F 15 überfliegt am 14.3.1999 während eines Kontrollfluges über der nördlichen Flugverbotszone (Operation Northern Watch) ein Gebirge im Norden des Irak. Seit dem Beginn der Nato-Luftangriffe auf Jugoslawien haben die USA ihre Patrouillenflüge über den Flugverbotszonen im Irak drastisch eingeschränkt. 13 US-Jets, die an den Patrouillenflügen im Irak beteiligt waren, wurden von der Türkei nach Europa verlegt. Als Folge finden nun in der südlichen Flugverbotszone weniger, in der nördlichen überhaupt keine Kontrollen mehr statt.
French President Francois Hollande speaks during his first major press conference at the Elysee Place in Paris on November 13, 2012. Hollande holds his first major press conference amid rising discontent over the flagging economy and a slump in his personal poll ratings. AFP PHOTO / MARTIN BUREAU (Photo credit should read MARTIN BUREAU/AFP/Getty Images)
A general view of the General Assembly of the Syrian National Council in Doha November 11, 2012. Syria's fractious opposition finally put aside fierce arguments on Sunday to rally behind a new leader within a new coalition that its Western and Arab backers hope can topple Bashar al-Assad and take over the country. REUTERS/Mohammed Dabbous (QATAR - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST CONFLICT)
Opposition Socialist Party leader in the French National Assembly, Jean-Marc Ayrault, gestures as he speaks during a debate at the French National Assembly in Paris, Tuesday, April 1, 2008. The French prime minister Francois Fillon said Tuesday that his country could contribute "several hundred" more troops to reinforce the fight against the Taliban and their al-Qaida allies in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)
A man carries a sign reading "No to the destructive soldiers of ECOWAS" as Malians opposed to a military intervention to retake Mali's Islamist-controlled north march in the streets of the capital, Bamako, Mali on Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. Representatives of the African Union, regional bloc ECOWAS, and the United Nations were due to meet Friday in Bamako to discuss options for a military invention. (AP Photo/Harouna Traore)
Kinder und Eltern - Situation in Flüchtlingsunterkünften für syrische Flüchtlinge in Jordanien und Libanon. Fotograf : Moritz Wohlrab, Aktion Deutschland hilft Pressestelle der Aktion "Deutschland hilft" Nutzungsrechte zeitlich und örtlich unbegrenzt für die Deutsche Welle eingeräumt ***Bilder nur im Zusammenhang mit der Berichterstattung zu Aktion Deutschland hilft verwenden***
Blick auf Straßburg, im Hintergrund rechts das Münster. (undatierte Aufnahme)
Berlin/ Der neue franzoesische Finanzminister Pierre Moscovici spricht am Montag (21.05.12) im Finanzministerium in Berlin bei einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit Bundesfinanzminister Schaeuble. Die Amtskollegen trafen sich zu einem bilateralen Gespraech. Kurz vor dem EU-Sondergipfel in Bruessel gibt es zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich Differenzen ueber die Idee der Euro-Bonds. "Fuer uns ist das eine ganz wichtige Idee, wir koennen es aber niemandem aufzwingen", sagte der neue franzoesische Finanzminister Pierre Moscovici bei seinem Antrittsbesuch am Montag in Berlin. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Axel Schmidt/dapd
Vertrag von Nizza 2001 Signature of the Nice Treaty 2001 The formal signature of the Nice Treaty took place after its adoption in December 2000 by EU Members. It should allow for the enlargement of the EU by candidate countries. It changes the size and structure of the Commission, the weighting of the votes at the Council, the replacement of unanimity by a qualified majority in decision making procedures and strengthened co-operations. The Treaty will subsequently be submitted for ratification in the Member States. Quelle: European Commission Audiovisual Service/ Credit © European Communities, 2009
Iraqis chant slogans during a protest in Basra, 340 miles (547 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, as part of widespread anger across the Muslim world about a film ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad. (AP Photo/Nabil al-Jurani)
A man is seen by a logo resembling an Apple logo in Manila, Philippines, Friday, Oct. 14, 2011. Apple fans called Friday "Steve Jobs Day" as a tribute to him. (ddp images/AP Photo/Pat Roque) /eingst. sc
TEHRAN, Sept 20, 2012 (AFP) - Up to 200 people protested without incident in front of France's embassy in Tehran on Thursday over a French satirical weekly's publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, an AFP correspondent reported. Size: Relaunch-Master (quer) Rechteeinräumung: lizenzfrei, isna.ir
French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo's publisher, known only as Charb, speaks to journalists, on September 19, 2012 in Paris, at the headquarters, after showing the last issue which features on the front cover a satirical drawing titled 'Intouchables 2'. Inside pages contain several cartoons caricaturing the Prophet Mohammed. The magazine's decision to publish the cartoons came against a background of unrest across the Islamic world over a crude US-made film that mocks Mohammed and portrays Muslims as gratuitously violent. The title refers to 'Intouchables', a 2012 French movie, the most seen French movie abroad, which is selected to represent France for the Oscars nominees, according to one of his directors, Eric Toledano. AFP PHOTO FRED DUFOUR (Photo credit should read FRED DUFOUR/AFP/GettyImages)
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - SEPTEMBER 14: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge depart Kuala Lumpur airport for Sabah Maylasia on day 4 of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge's Diamond Jubilee Tour of the Far East on September 14, 2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Photo by Arhtur Edwards - Pool/Getty Images)
France's President Francois Hollande, seen in this video grab from French private TF1 television, speaks during a prime time news broadcast at their studios in Boulogne-Billancourt, near Paris, September 9, 2012. REUTERS/Hand Out (FRANCE - Tags: POLITICS) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
French Finance Minister Laurent Fabius reads his statement at the Davos World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Saturday, Jan. 27, 2001. Fabius took part in the forum on "Steadying the Course of the Global Economy." (AP Photo/Herbert Knosowski)
(FILE) Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat greets his supporters 13 September 2003 in Ramallah, West Bank. Five years after the death of Palestinian icon Yasser Arafat, the absence of a strong leader to unite Palestinians can be felt more than ever. The Palestinian leader died aged 75 of a stroke triggered by a stomach flu in a Paris hospital on 11 November 2004. An overwhelming majority of Palestinians (nearly 82 per cent with a margin of error of 3.6 per cent) say they still miss Arafat, according to the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, which questioned 1,050 adults in a survey in October 2009. EPA/ATEF SAFADI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Opposition Socialist Party leader in the French National Assembly, Jean-Marc Ayrault, gestures as he speaks during a debate at the French National Assembly in Paris, Tuesday, April 1, 2008. The French prime minister Francois Fillon said Tuesday that his country could contribute "several hundred" more troops to reinforce the fight against the Taliban and their al-Qaida allies in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)